Puzzzles and 3D modeling

Since its a co-op puzzle game it needs puzzles. So we took the opportunity to design puzzles the other night. These are now being implemented into our level. Everything from simple arrows that needs to be avoided to labyrinths and leavers that have to be activated in the right order. All this with the help of the various equipment the players have.
The modeling is also coming along, there is still things to do but we have no worries. An example on what we are working on at the moment is the female adventurer. Right now her animations looks a bit silly but all that will change as soon as we fix her skinning.
We also promised video content in this blog. It will come as soon as we find some decent audio and video equipment. So be patient and soon you will be able to see our pretty faces on video.

New project and a royal visit

No recharge needed. We went straight from one project to another. This time its a game for the Gotland game conference which will be held the 27th and 28th of may. We will, starting today have a blogg with hopefully a lot of video content so that you can follow our progress from today to the GGC :D



And last week we had a visit from two members of the Swedish royal family. Crown princess Victoria and her husband prince Daniel. We had to revive Walkabout once more so that their majesty's could try it :D So now the Swedish royal family has played and enjoyed our game.



The crownprincess plays Walkabout

Ha Ha! We did it!

Spelet blev färdigt i tid, trots den fantastiskt korta tiden vi hade på oss. Vi åkte till Trollhättan i slutet av mars för att leverera. Vi konstaterade många saker under resans gång. Däribland att John var i akut behov av ett par nya skor och borde sluta laga sina gammla med lila presentsnöre, Att Per och Marcus är fullt kapabla att skaffa sig en dejt med subwaykassörskan och att man inte ska räkna med att subwaykassörskan står för sitt löfte.
I alla fall ett par intensiva dagar arbetandes med "finslipning"
(Finslipning = få panik och göra om stora delar på plats)  resulterade i Imaginarium.
Vårt lilla barn finns nu för allmän beskådan på Innovatum science center i Trollhättan.

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